by Tiffany
(Springfield, MO 65804)
Trying to figure out how to do help my pre-teen with eye shadow.
We don't want heavy eye shadow since she is still younger. What eye shape does she have?
Hi Tiffany
She seems to have wide set, puppy eyes, with a deep set- double lid.
You could begin by just playing around with different color eyeliners. That keeps it more suitable for her cute baby face...
Maybe try some colored liner on the top and/or bottom lid, then blend it/smudge it out. Then mix it up with black liner on the top lid only.
Whether using eyeliner or eye-shadow, keeping the color within her crease will preserve the cute factor...
Mothering a girl is heartbreaking, my heart skips a beat when I think of the day my baby wants to wear makeup and look descent!
Good luck:)!