How Do I Use Makeup to Enlarge and Enhance My Eyes?

by Janet Quinn
(Safford, AZ)

Beauty at Any Age

Beauty at Any Age

How do I apply makeup to enhance my deep set and small eyes? I am 62 and want to look my best but prefer matte colors.

Hi Janet

You have a beautiful shape to your eyes and a soft, kind face:)

So we can keep the eyes matching your features, and highlight the shape as well.

Okay, lets start with the colors for your eyes. Light colors will keep your eyes looking open. So light versions of your favorite matte colors will do great.

Then for eyeliner, try a light brown pencil because it softens the eye and doesn't shrink it.


For the top lid- Apply pencil eyeliner across the lash line, then give it a good smudge. Then apply the solid line thinly close to the lashes.

For bottom lash line- Your eyes will look more open if you don't apply liner there, but if you do, you will emphasize the beautiful, slightly upward shape. I think the shape trumps the openness, but you can just experiment and see which you prefer.

So what you do is apply the liner thinly, over the outer two thirds of your eye. This keeps the inner corner free to look a little larger.

Then smudge it so that it's more of a shadow that outlines the bottom lashes. You get the benefit of soft definition without shrinkage...

You can also use a flesh colored liner on your waterline. It will make your eyes more open and cover any redness.

Mascara: Only apply mascara to the top lashes. Use a lash lengthening mascara because longer lashes will make the eyes look more open.

The look is simple and beautiful. I hope this helps!

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