Eye Shape Please


I feel that I have almond shaped, close set, protruding eyes which I absolutely hate! I feel like dark make-up makes them recede more (which I like), but then I get the gothic comments. Help!


Your eyes seem a little more deep set than protruding, so the dark colors you're using are making them seem even deeper, which is good if you like it!

Maybe try gel/cream versions of the eyeshadow so that it's not flat.

To make dark colors work for you, keep them on the lid.

If you're looking goth and don't want to, perhaps you're putting on liner too thick or smudging the colors too widely around your eye.

If you line your bottom lashes, don't smudge, but rather use a brush to blend it.

Also, try unifying the area under the eye with concealer, or foundation and highlighter. That will brighten the area, and the darker makeup will probably then look better.

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Feb 27, 2014
Dark Circles
by: MKH

If concealer makes them look puffy, maybe you'll have to skip it, and just keep your eyeliner thin at the bottom lashes.

Check the way that you're applying it as well. Try using a damp sponge for application, and keep the layers thin.

And also, use a waterproof eyeliner if you're not already...

Feb 15, 2014
Hollow Eyes
by: Anonymous

Thank you. I tried concealer under my eyes and it actually made them look puffier.... Any other suggestions? I even went to Ulta and had a make-up specialist pick out the right tone of concealer for me.

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